Fastidious Fractals 2019

Table of Contents:


My job was to research code for the UI of the engine and code for the engine. For this, I followed the following steps:

  1. First, I figured out the code to draw a canvas lines.
  2. Then, I wrote the iteration statement to draw the line with the end point's cordinates that is generated by a list that was created by Ben.
  3. Next, I got the program to draw a line that started at the cordinates where the mouse clik and ended when the mouse is released.
  4. Lastly, I tried to set up a function that draw the next line where the last line was left off.
  5. The last two functions were intended for our game where we challenge the user to recreate the fractal, but we ran out of time.


My job was to create the fractal-generation engine and for this, I followed the following steps:

  1. I started by making a custom linked list of 'line' objects as a class
  2. Next, I defined a function that replaced lines with instances of the base object.
  3. Then I had to create a function capable of combining the base, interative, and final point lists into a full fractal!
  4. Then came bugfixing. This was especially hard, since visual studio was unable to run the debugger on my script.
  5. With the engine done, I combined the various UI functions Hahn designed into a usable editor.
  6. That's the short version.


    My job was to research fractals and compose information for the about page. For this, I followed the following steps:

    1. Write the "What are Fractals?" infromation and come up with a definition for a fractal.
    2. First learn and then effetively explain what the Mandelbröt set is (which was the hardest thing I did) and then write about other artificial fractals.
    3. Then I searched and pointed out some common fractals found in nature.
    4. After that I talked found and added some fun facts about fractals.
    5. Then I made a GitHub account for our team.
    6. Lastly, my team recommended that we add the fun fact that a pinapples is a fractal.


    My job was to set up the VPS and the website's framework, as well as the titles and names. For this, I followed the following steps:

    1. First I consulted with my group on what they’d like the website to look like.
    2. Then, I created a basic website page design for each page.
    3. Next, I added background images and formatting.
    4. Next, I helped Victoria finish one of her information bits and understand another.
    5. I noticed some problems with the header background image, so I spent 30 minutes adjusting it to get it perfect.
    6. Then I spent the next hour or so fine-tuning the website, adding pictures, and the likes.
    7. Then, once Victoria finished her bit, I added her text in.
    8. Penultimately, I helped Ben and put all the code together.
    9. Finally I added Benjamin’s code and uploaded the files to GitHub.